Q: Am I guaranteed a job at Glad Tidings or any other church after graduating Glad Tidings College?

A: We will assist you on all efforts with preparation for job placement. However job placement is not guaranteed.

Q: Does Glad Tidings College offer financial aid?

A: Because Southeastern University is a regionally accredited institution, its partnership with Glad Tidings College enables enrolled students to pay for their college experience using federal financial aid. To be eligible for such funding, the student must file an application for federal student aid, also known as a FAFSA and maintain 12 credit hours each semester. In doing so, the student may apply for federal aid in the form of a Pell Grant, Federal Stafford (Student) Loan or Federal Parent Loan.

Q: My student has already earned college credit elsewhere. Will those credits transfer in?

A: Like all higher education institutions, Southeastern University has specific guidelines on credit acceptance from other colleges. Generally, SEU will accept credits from other regionally-accredited colleges; however, the transferability of credits depends on the student’s academic performance in those prior courses as well as the course equivalency into the student’s degree program at SEU. Please contact the Office of the Registrar ( with specific questions pertaining to transfer of credits.

Q: Can I work on a job while attending Glad Tidings College?

A: Yes. But keep in mind you will need to be able to plan your work hours around your classes and practicum schedule.

Q: What are the hours like at college?

A: Glad Tidings College is on campus once a week (Monday). In addition, we expect students to attend and serve at services at one of our locations on Sundays, as well as attend mid-week services and outreaches.

Q: Am I required to be a member of Glad Tidings in order to attend Glad Tidings College?

A: No. However, all students are required to complete Glad Tidings’s Growth Track program during their time as a student.

Q: Does Glad Tidings College provide Housing? 

A: Glad Tidings College does not offer housing. However, there are a variety of affordable apartment and town home communities within a close proximity of Glad Tidings College.

Q: When can I apply?

A: Glad Tidings college offers rolling admission, which means you are able to apply in either the Spring or Fall Semesters.