Glad Tidings College is a Spirit-filled environment where one is developed academically and through practical experience.

We are building, equipping, and launching the next generation of world changers! Our aim is to come along side- each student and help develop their gifts, talents, and calling.

Our focus is to create an environment of passion for worship, the Word, and the world. Our vision is to connect students to God, to one another, to the marketplace and to the world.

-Pastor Gary Howell

Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida partners with Glad Tidings Church to host an instructional site on the church campus. Southeastern University offers excellent college education for an affordable price. With regional accreditation,* Southeastern University is well established and proud to offer students opportunities to discover their divine design.

We will be a premier college that sees leaders DISCOVER their divine call in life, EQUIPS them for their purpose, and SENDS them out with a passion to impact their world. 

The mission of Glad Tidings College is to be a Christ-centered institution of higher learning, that empowers leaders for a life of enduring commitment to Christ, moral integrity, biblical understanding and intellectual growth. We exist to connect people to God, to one another, to the market place and to the world. Our heart is to see God’s Kingdom expanded throughout the the world.